Shirataki de konjac: 59 Photos & Videos
Shirataki di Konjac by Dukan, 200 grams - pictures
Konjac Gum: Shirataki Noodles Recipe & More | WTF – Ep. 133
Spaghetti de Konjac Bio ARCHE - Shirataki -
Handmade Konjac Shirataki Noodles | what is konjac corn look like | What is konjac and is it healthy
Fideos Dukan de Konjac: Shiratakis secos / Dukan Dry Shirataki Noodles (Attack phase)
The Best Keto Noodle - Three Konjac / Shirataki Noodles Reviewed
NOODLE YOUR WAY to this Shirataki Stir Fry Recipe tonight
Shirataki de Konjac bio - Régime Dukan -
The other common name for the konjac noodle is shirataki noodle. It means white waterfall in Japanese, a moniker given because the noodles look translucent and almost like cascading water when poured into a bowl. These almost clear noodles don't have much taste.
Shirataki noodles are fiber-rich noodles that may have some health benefits, such as helping people maintain a moderate weight and improving digestive health. They are low in calories and carbohydrates, and free from common allergens. People can use shirataki noodles in a wide range of dishes.
glucomannan flour. Shirataki noodles are made from a substance called glucomannan that comes from the konjac root. Glucomannan is a soluble fiber that absorbs a lot of water. Noodles made from glucomannan flour are actually about 3% fiber and 97% water, so it's easy to see why they are low in calories. Konjac is native to eastern Asia.);})();(function(){window.jsl.dh(zoS8Zu76II3A5OUP_MTGWQ__58,
Raw material. Our raw material konjac is obtained from the konjac plant. However, this plant only grows in Asia and is more expensive to cultivate than wheat.
Konjac food products are so low in carbohydrates and so high in fiber that your intestines don't absorb much as the food passes through. As a result, your blood sugar levels are less likely to rise after eating. In fact, one study suggests that glucomannan may help prevent and treat diabetes.