Brown rice noodles: 59 Photos & Videos
Organic pad thai brown rice noodles 227g illustrations
Of the two types, brown rice noodles benefit from the unrefined nature of brown rice flour, which means its natural germ and bran has not been stripped by processing, leaving its fiber and B vitamin content uncompromised. The white variety is healthy, but brown is even healthier.
My personal favorite of the pasta alternatives is gluten free brown rice pasta. Made with only brown rice flour and water, these low carb noodles are the real deal. Although brown rice pasta has much fewer carbs than traditional pasta, its carb count, like chickpea pasta, is still relatively high.
In addition to being gluten free, millet and brown rice are some of the most nutritious and easily digestible grains. Millet & Brown Rice Ramen has a delicious nutty taste and is a good source of fiber and protein.
Rice noodles have a high glycemic index, making them easy to digest. In addition, unlike regular noodles, rice noodles are gluten-free, making them perfect for patients suffering from gluten intolerance or allergies and for celiac patients.
Rice noodles are naturally low in sodium. While this mineral is an essential nutrient and electrolyte, excess intake may harm your health and increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney disease ( 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 ).